Basic-Français !
learn French in your mother tongue !
Basic-Français was developed to teach the basics of French in partnership with the City of Paris and the “Ile de France” region, with some European co-financing.
Basic-Français is the application that accompanies your students in their learning and helps them in their mother tongue to understand the basics of French.
Some of the available languages:
Meet Ludo and Vic !
Ludo and Vic were created to represent all the peoples of this World and to promote gender equality.
They let you discover French through dialogues (in French) which cover many aspects of daily life.
Basic-Français : learn French in British English українська العربية Nederlands Português Tiếng Việt Español
We break the wall of words by giving orally the instructions to the exercices, in the mother tongue of your student. This will enable the person to learn the basics of French independently of their level of schooling. It can even be developed for mother tongues that have no alphabet.
Since the instructions are given in a language that your students understand, this reduces considerably theirlevel of stress. It makes learning both faster and easier.
It's a great tool that will perfectly complement your French lessons!
We cover the first level (A1) of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. This will give you the means to progress rapidly in your learning of French.
Basic-Français does not use up your data plan. All the activities are fully operational with no internet connection.
This is a very important, and rare, characteristic in Apps these days.